Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Wednesdays have been wonderful days for me. They have been tiring but enthusiastic with him around. What all does he not ask me -
- Why are we going home?
- Why should the animals sleep now?
- Why should we eat?
- Why should I wear this?
- Where are we going?
- Why are we not going to the zoo?
- Where is the sun?
- Did you see that oil tanker?
- What is that sign?
- Why should I eat this?
- Why should I not bang?
- What will happen if I bite that?
- Why is the flower pink in color?
& best of all
- Why is it 2'o clock now?
Whoops!!! To what all do I answer right? God help me to bear with this curiosity and feed it well.

Today was the trip to a zoo & museum. We enjoyed the coin going around in circles into the pit. Then we ran to the blower to blow the balls away from us. How much strength one can show on that small blower? Then we ran to the long pipe to drop the small balls just to see them fall into another wide bowl and go into the center. Only he can imagine the mouth of the pipe to resemble a Mickey Mouse and also remember to sing that song for me "M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E". Then we saw all the colorful wooden blocks in different shapes. Later we dropped the circular bands into the puzzle just to let them fall into appropriate slots. That was fun esp to see him pick up the bands from the bottom and put them into the slots of his interest from the bottom itself. The small tunnel , the magnetic blocks, the dinosaur toys, the musical buttons, the toy kitchen and the record-your-voice games were additional items that grabbed his attention though for shorter spans.

The zoo was a small friendly zoo. He enjoyed the snakes and lizards. The excitement with which he shows them to me just reflects how much he enjoys seeing them. The ducks and geese in the pond, the peacock, doves & fowls in the cage however did not really attract him. That was because it was time to attend nature's call. Could anything come in that way. However it did - That was a closeup view of an owl in a separate dark cage. How he links them to his bedtime stories and TV cartoons really surprise me though I am getting used to it more and more.

Followed by the huge list of questions when we start on our way back home what else could a 3 year old bubble of energy do but flop into his car seat to doze off for his afternoon nap. There would be all his story time and cartoon friends running in his mind to engage him and his curiosity there too.